Exclusive supercar manufacturer, Koenigsegg, has brought quality sound to its workplace with a wireless speaker system from fellow Swedish specialists, Audio Pro.
Just outside Ängelholm, a small town in the southern part of Sweden, you will find the super-exclusive car manufacturer and cutting-edge technology pioneers, Koenigsegg. The company was founded in 1994 by Christian von Koenigsegg, with the ambition to create "the world's greatest sportscar". This ambition permeates the company even today; The company has several times broken the Guinness world record for top speed for a production car, most recently in 2017 when it reached 447 km/h and has also hit 0-400-0 km/h in a time of 31.49 seconds. A record that still stands today.
Its ambitious outlook and constant striving for quality pervade the company not only in what it produces, but also in how it takes care of its staff. Koenigsegg contacted Audio Pro for help in getting a speaker solution that could deliver great sound to the spaces where their staff spend their day. Koenigsegg is convinced that music has a big impact on how people feel.

Jens Henriksen, CCO at Audio Pro tells; "Of course, we were very flattered to be contacted by a company with their reputation. For me, Koenigsegg represents "the best of the best" and of course it is fantastic to be one of their suppliers, even if it is not as a component in their cars. At least not yet," laughs Jens jokingly, "but we're working on it. That Koenigsegg is focused on quality also in the design of its production facilities feels logical," Jens Henriksen reasons. "Staff who feel good do a better job, you know that. And our products maintain a quality that meets their requirements.”

Koenigsegg recently experienced that sound really has a significant impact on the environment; when the music at HQ was turned off for a day, the staff immediately reacted. Suddenly background noise became much clearer. The music no longer functioned as the noise-cancelling balm it used to, and the staff reacted accordingly. "Yes, it undeniably confirmed what we have believed and acted on," says Koenigsegg.

In the long term, the number of speakers will probably be increased in the company's premises. "Right now we are expanding the existing headquarters and building a new production hall, and most likely we will plan for Audio Pro's wireless sound here as well," concludes Koenigsegg.